Production is a complicated process with many different positions, so we’ve split this page into four parts: directing, producing, on-the-day, and working below the line.
Directing Notes 1: A cheat sheet I sometimes use for giving direction to actors in order to get varied takes to bring to your edit.
Directing Notes 2: More of this.
Transitive Verbs: A list of transitive verbs for directing actors based on action and interaction
Scene to scene breakdown for directors: Document to assist with directing on a scene-to-scene basis. I’ll often use this to help remind me of character/plot points during rehearsals and production.
Production Report - This is filled out at the end of each shooting day and submitted to producers/production companies/studio to check on progress.
Production Report Guidelines - This is how you fill about the Production Report
SAG Actor’s Production Time Report - (aka, an EXHIBIT G) This is filled out at the end of each production day and then submitted to SAG so they know you’re taking care of your actors
Call Sheet Template - One of the most important and referenced documents on a set. This is used to show what is scheduled for the shooting day. This is often issued to the cast/crew the day before shooting. Hover over cells for notes.
Call Sheet Template 2 - Just another version, a little simpler.
Location Agreement Form - get the owner of your locations to sign this.
Script Breakdown Sheet - Break down the script by scene so each department knows what they need.
Crew Invoice Template - For Crew to fill out in oder to get paid
CASPER - This is a multi-layered Excel Spreadsheet with a TON of production documents including Call Sheets and Production Reports, etc.
Working With Animals & Humane Society Form - respect all living creatures on set.
Working With Minors - There are a hell of a lotta rules to working with minors. Duh.
State Incentives List & State Incentives Map - These docs are a little dated maybe, but gives an idea of the tax breaks and rebates offered by states.
The Run of the Day - Brenda Goodman’s doc about the flow of a set during a typical shoot day. A helpful guide for planning out a day on set as an Assistant Director.
Notice of Filming sign - a paper to post around your set if you’re shooting in live crowds or documentaries
*note: I’M NOT A LAWYER. USE THESE FORMS AT YOUR OWN RISK. They have worked for me in the past on low-budget indie productions, but please do your own due diligence.
Checklist for On-The-Day forms to cast & crew - This answers the question: “what forms does this particular cast/crew member need to fill out upon arriving on set?” — ALL THESE FORMS ARE FOUND BELOW…
Agreement for Compensation (for those getting one-time payments)
Below the line
Day in the Life of a Production Assistant - video - The fine folks over at Rocket Jump made this video of me as a P.A. many years ago. It’s helpful for those just starting out in the industry working as a Production Assistant.